27play provides you with the capability to create, store and distribute compelling video messages to really engage your workforce wherever they are.
27play lets you create and upload video content from a number of sources, e.g. iPhones, Webcams and HD Cameras.
27play attracts users to the channel by informing them that great content has just been uploaded via email or Slack.
People can watch videos on any device, anywhere in the world.
Browse, search and share all the video that your company has uploaded.
Organize your videos in a way that suits your business so that the right messages reach the right audiences.
There was a need for a highly efficient and beautifully designed video portal. Previously video portals could only be purchased alongside other pieces of software and were not compatible across all systems. Clients could not unlock the power of video and use it as an effective communication platform.
27play was created to fill a gap in the market, as a customisable video portal exclusively concentrating on making enterprise video as easy as possible.
Traditional video platforms were inaccessible, hard to use and difficult to track engagement, enter 27play.
27play migrates media into one place for an easily accessible user experience where team members can effortlessly engage with the video. Users have options to include comments, ratings and polls to drive engagement and collaboration.
Videos on 27play can be easily embedded into existing systems such as intranets, Sharepoint, Yammer or Slack.
27play has in depth analytics and generates customised reports to show what content people are watching, how long they’re watching it for and which parts they skip.
27play is currently active with 6 clients.
Covestro’s edition of 27play gained 8,000+ users with over 16,000+ video views in less than 6 months. Covestro have used analytics to delete and update content that was not being watched. Only the most engaging, relevant content is available to their users.
16 Dufferin Street,
London, EC1Y 8PD